Please join us in supporting our 4th round of fundraising for our 2023 recipients:  The Hattie Carthan Herban Farm, Order of the Tents, and Alfredas Cinemas.  Contributions can be made via our Go Fund Me or the purchase of BBB tee shirts and pieces from our latest collaboration with Kith X Vans for their LOVE THY COMMUNITY initiatives.  100% of the proceeds from all the sales go directly to our fundraiser. 




100% of the proceeds from all the sales go directly to our fundraiser.

Hattie Carthan Herban Farm

Hattie Carthan Herban Farm is a reclaimed space in Bedstuy that has been created by volunteer members of the community to increase access to fresh food with locally grown fruits and vegetables to Bedstuy residents.  It is an actual working farm with a greenhouse adjacent to Von King Park that actively grows produce on site and hosts weekend farmers markets.  In addition, this initiative offers programming for the community on health and wellness, healing through foods, and youth core opportunities.  Our donation of 10k will help them to renovate an outdoor kitchen that will enable them to expand their programming and offer more services to the community.

Order of the Tents

Order of the Tents is a fraternal organization of  black women that was originally founded in 1848 to assist those seeking freedom from slavery  via the Underground RailRoad.  The name originated from the tents that were used as temporary shelter during their journey to Liberation.  The Brooklyn chapter was established in 1948 and acquired a property to serve as their home base at 87 McDonough Street in Brooklyn.  Over the years, the members of the Brooklyn chapter of the Tents served the Bedstuy community in silence as a secret society providing food, shelter, and resources for black women in the neighborhood over the years.  But because of that silence, they were unable to receive external funding and as membership has waned and members become ancestors, the property that has housed them for over 70 years has succumbed to great disrepair.  Our 10k donation will assist in the necessary repairs to the property so that this home and its new membership can continue to be a beacon of support for the Bedstuy community as they have done for the last many decades.

Alfredas Cinemas

Alfredas Cinemas is a film focused immersive and events experience focused on showcasing Black and POC work.  Over the years, they have curated film events with independent theaters and larger arts focused organizations such as BAM, Lincoln Center, The New Negress Films Society, Film Forum, and The African Film Festival among others.  Many of their initiatives have been independently funded and they are now looking to open a brick and mortar theater facility to support their initiatives to be able to feature work locally that will serve the Black Brooklyn community.  The 10k donation from us will allow them to expand their online presence via film streaming capacity, support outreach, launch exclusive licensing with Black and POC filmmakers and continue to independently fund in person events which has been their most successful efforts in tapping into their audience.